Industrial Glue Blog - LD Davis

Employee Spotlight: Austin Munnell, Research & Innovation Manager

Written by LD Davis Team | Nov 17, 2020 2:00:00 PM

Our Research & Innovation Manager, Austin Munnell, celebrates his first year with LD Davis Industries. What an accomplishment!

We sat down with Austin to see how his time at LD Davis has been this past year and asked a few questions to get to know him a bit more.

Work hard

How did you get your start in the glue industry?

Before coming to LD Davis, I worked at a Dow Chemical polymer emulsion plant that produced a lot of Vinyl-Acrylic and Styrene-Acrylic polymers. When the plant shutdown, I came across the Davis R&D position working with adhesives; already having a background in adhesives it was an exciting opportunity to transition back into R&D.

Before working at LD Davis, what was the most unusual or interesting job you’ve ever had?

I believe my first job in R&D for catalyst manufacturer was the most interesting. I helped design and operate one of the first lab scale reactors to simulate, control, and measure power plant emission of Mercury. It was extremely challenging, but I had opportunities to visit large scale coal fired plants and deliver projects for future emissions control strategies.

What do you like most about working at LD Davis?

I really enjoy working on customer projects and new formulation requests in the lab. Being a very curious individual, it is exciting to learn something new about our adhesives and customer applications. I also really enjoy working in the team atmosphere that a smaller company like LD Davis provides. Interacting and working hand in hand with all members of the company is a rewarding experience!

Play hard

What is your favorite PLACE to travel to? 

Several years ago, my wife and I traveled to Europe, and I really enjoyed Greece. The country has such a strong history plus amazing food! Swimming in the Mediterranean Sea was a highlight, and it was clearest water I’ve ever seen. However, international travel is more difficult now that we have a two year old son so when we travel now it is to the mountains – anywhere with good hiking trails.

What is the last concert you attended?

Live music is something I really enjoy. I was supposed to see Tedeschi Trucks Band this July, but canceled due to COVID-19. Prior to that I went to see Lizzo last fall.

Favorite food?

This is a difficult topic, because I will eat anything! I love trying new foods and flavors. BUT if it were a last meal situation, I’d be sitting behind a medium-rare rib-eye steak, fully loaded baked potato, and Caesar salad (with a bottle of red wine on the side 😊).

Favorite movie or TV Show? 

PTI – Pardon the Interruption. I’ve watched this show religiously since college.

What do you like to do for fun when you’re not working? 

Spend time with my wife and son around the house or with our extended families. We both grew up in the Charlotte area, so parents and siblings are close. Outside of family gatherings, I like to spend time outside. We’ll visit a park or go hiking. I always enjoy visiting a brewery and enjoying the latest release and North Carolina has a strong beer scene.


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