You've made a major investment in your equipment. Do not underestimate the importance of keeping it clean. This will ensure you get the greatest return on your investment.
Read More >If you manufacture rigid boxes, you know that there are few things more frustrating than when your turn-in pops open. Here are 3 common misconceptions about box pop-opens. Don't worry, we added recommended solutions as well.
Read More >One of the first questions potential customers want to know when they call our company is: how much does your hot melt glue cost?
When switching glue vendors, cost is a top concern. Although this is a very difficult question to answer, I will try my best to explain some hot melt cost drivers.
Simply put, you are shopping for a hot melt glue that will work properly without significantly driving up your costs. This sounds very straightforward but, believe it or not, there are many project specific details that we review to recommend the right hot melt glue for packaging applications. Each of these details may adjust the formula, and drive the cost (up or down).
Read More >One of the first questions potential customers want to know when they call our company is: How much does your protein glue cost?
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