
At LD Davis, we pride ourselves on being an educational resource for our customers, our prospects and the community. Our blog is a helpful learning tool for those wanting to know more about glue best practices, news in the industry and simple answers to common glue questions. Hear it straight from the experts in every post. Subscribe to our blog updates.

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5 Most Loved Articles from LD Davis in 2019

And just like that, another year comes to an end. With it comes a new year, and new decade! 

Want to catch up on all of the posts that our readers were loving over the last year? We compiled the top 5 articles that our prospects and customers read the most in 2019.

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Defining Different Types of Bonds

Mechanical, chemical and suction bonds, OH MY! 

These terms are used often in the adhesive industry (or by those who use adhesives) but many times the exact definition of each is unclear. Today we're going to go over each so you have a better understand all three.

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Product Spotlight: Liquid Hide Glue

Liquid hide glue is not a topic we have covered here on our blog before. Most often, when we work with hide glue it is in dry, granulated form. 

Today, we are shining a light on liquid hide glue and some of the benefits it has over its dry counterpart.

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Everything we are Thankful For in 2019

It's hard to believe that another year is coming to an end, and with it comes a new decade! 

As we approach the Thanksgiving holiday, we like to take a moment to appreciate all the reasons we have to be thankful - not just today, but everyday!

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