LD Davis has been manufacturing animal glue, also known as hide glue or protein glue for over nine decades in the United States.
Read More >When a customer contacts LD Davis for help with animal glue, liquid glue, or hot melt adhesive problem, we are happy to help and find an adhesive solution for their application. Below is an idea of the steps our customers and LD Davis go through to solve these issues.
Having glue difficulty? Contact our lab for help.
Read More >Increasing raw material costs for adhesive over the past few years has been a challenge for animal glue manufacturers as well as distributors of products such as hot melt adhesives.
Read More >Happy Thanksgiving to all LD Davis customers, friends, and employees!
In the social media world, there has been an activity this November where Facebook users post one thing or person every day for that they are grateful. We at LD Davis have a lot to be thankful for around this special holiday, and while we did not post “30 Days of Thanks” on our social media profiles, we figured it wouldn’t hurt to list them here. Below is a compiled “30 Days of Thanks” list from everyone at LD Davis Industries; where we build life long bonds, manufacture quality animal glue, and provide excellent customer service to our animal glue, liquid glue and hot melt customers.
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