
At LD Davis, we pride ourselves on being an educational resource for our customers, our prospects and the community. Our blog is a helpful learning tool for those wanting to know more about glue best practices, news in the industry and simple answers to common glue questions. Hear it straight from the experts in every post. Subscribe to our blog updates.

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What Causes Case Board Warp?

If you are in the book binding business, case board warp is something you are probably familiar with. If you work with case board, you may have experienced warp issues. We recently visited with a case-making customer that was experiencing case board warp. Like many who have been in a similar situation, this customer looked to their board and glue suppliers as resources for understanding why case board warps.

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Everything we are Thankful For in 2020

Where to begin with this’s been a tough one and I think everyone can agree with us there. We want to thank all of our customers, vendors, and employees who got us through. We asked some of our employees what they were thankful for this year.

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Everything we are Thankful For in 2019

It's hard to believe that another year is coming to an end, and with it comes a new decade! 

As we approach the Thanksgiving holiday, we like to take a moment to appreciate all the reasons we have to be thankful - not just today, but everyday!

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Meet The Team: Debra, Senior Customer Service Representative

If you've worked with our Customer Service team, you know their first priority is to offer an outstanding customer experience. They are the front lines of the company, and are fanatics about responsiveness and accuracy. 

In October, LD Davis added a new member to our Customer Service team, so we wanted to take a moment to introduce her to you.

For our latest "Meet The Team" post, we sat down with Debra, our Senior Customer Service Representative, to learn more about her professional background, what brought her to LD Davis, and what she likes to do for fun. 

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