
At LD Davis, we pride ourselves on being an educational resource for our customers, our prospects and the community. Our blog is a helpful learning tool for those wanting to know more about glue best practices, news in the industry and simple answers to common glue questions. Hear it straight from the experts in every post. Subscribe to our blog updates.

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How Do Heat and Humidity Impact Glue Performance?

It's August, and man is it hot.

Maybe you work in a manufacturing plant that is hit with extreme heat and humidity during the summer months. If so, there are some things you should keep in mind when it comes to running your glue in this weather. 

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Emmeci Rigid Box Line Glues & Stay Tape Recommendations

Emmeci is an international leader in automatic lines for the production of high quality rigid set-up boxes. But as you know, a box is only as good as the glue that keeps it together. 

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What Exactly is a Food-Safe Adhesive?

Consumer safety is critical when manufacturing packaging for food and beverages. To help protect the public, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulates the use of glue for food packaging purposes.

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Variables Affecting Cake Glue Open Time [Infographic]

One major benefit of cake glues (animal glues, hide glues, protein glues) is their open time can be adjusted. This is ideal when you need to accommodate a variety of equipment run speeds, and substrate sizes. 

What variables affect the open time of cake glue? Check out our latest infographic to find out.

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