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10 Applications for Industrial Hot Melt Glue You Might Not Know!

When talking about hot melt glue, sticks, and dispensers, people tend to think of its arts and crafts applications. While most of us were probably introduced to hot glue during craft time, it is one of the most commonly used adhesives in industrial manufacturing. You’ve probably touched several items held together with hot glue today without even realizing it! Industrial hot melt is one of the most versatile adhesives on the market, and its fast drying time, flexibility, and strength make it a recommended choice for many manufacturers.

Check out the top industrial uses for hot melt glue listed below—a few might surprise you!

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Best Practices for Using PUR Hot Melt Adhesives

Polyurethane reactive glue, or PUR, is a synthetic material used frequently in volume manufacturing and home repair. First invented in the 1930s, polyurethane hot melt was used as a less expensive alternative to rubber but has since been refined and has expanded to be one of the most popular adhesives in manufacturing. So why is PUR adhesive so appealing, and what are the best practices for using PUR hot melt in your production?

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Why Paying More for PUR Glue is Worth It

Polyurethane Reactive hot melt glues, better know as PUR glues, are a more recent development in the adhesives industry. In recent years, we've had a number of customers looking to learn more about using PUR glues. But they always come back to us with the same question...

Why are PUR glues so expensive?

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Bookbinding Hot Melt Glue Spotlight: BT1113

These days, we are working with more perfect binding companies than ever. In this post, we want to focus on one of our most recommended perfect binding spine glues: BT1113.

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