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A U.S. based food packaging manufacturer recently switched to our protein glue after experiencing product inconsistencies, and technical support issues with their previous glue supplier.
Read More >At LD Davis, we pride ourselves on being an educational resource for our customers, our prospects and the community. Our blog is a helpful learning tool for those wanting to know more about glue best practices, news in the industry and simple answers to common glue questions. Hear it straight from the experts in every post. Subscribe to our blog updates.
A U.S. based food packaging manufacturer recently switched to our protein glue after experiencing product inconsistencies, and technical support issues with their previous glue supplier.
Read More >As consumers become heavily focused on the importance of biodegradability and eco-friendliness, manufacturers need to start thinking "green" in all facets of the manufacturing process. Today’s consumers, especially Millennials and younger Gen Z bunch, place high importance on sustainability (Packaging Strategies).
They are scouring store shelves for products that are made and packaged sustainably.
Read More >Hide glue has played a major role in the glue industry since the time of Egyptian pharaohs. Check out the history of hide glue.
Read More >Our protein glue products are based on gelatin protein which is derived from the hydrolysis of collagen. Collagen is a protein ingredient of animal hide, tissue and bone. We source our gelatin in the form of soft gel netting which is recycled from pharmaceutical companies.
Protein glue is composed of polyamides of alpha-amino acids. The solubility of protein glues in water is due in large part to the fact that five of the major constituent amino acids present in glue possess high water solubility. Protein glues are insoluble in oils, waxes, organic solvents and absolute alcohol. They may be emulsified in water-oil or oil-water systems.
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